Tiffany K. - Writer, Health4Heroes
A powerful body, tightly-wound for combat and first response action can crumble if one has neglected to feed it well. Of course we need good food to fuel the body. But even more than that, we also need activities like hiking, connecting with others, or choosing to show up ready to attract happiness to bring life to our bodies. At the Be W.E.L.L Workshop on February 24th, speakers Mary Scott and Seth Knight ( US Navy Combat Veteran Desert Shield/Operation Iraqi Freedom) spoke about that mental health/physiology connection. That connection is what it means when we use the term “holistic wellness.”
Holistic wellness doesn’t end with pills thrown at mental or physical pain–simply disguising instead of addressing the real issue. Instead, using nourishing food and supplements, a supportive community, and body manipulation strategies such as Thai bodywork (where a practitioner eases your body into yoga-type positions) or acupuncture (used to stimulate blood flow to help your body function at its peak), health becomes more than simply the absence of disease or pain; health becomes vitality. Holistic health becomes power.
Our generous providers at Glenn Fertility & Family Wellness, The Drip Bar Fort Collins, and Super-Natural Eats came together to give our members a taste of the holistic options each of their organizations offer. At the workshop, members first tried one of the meal delivery options provided by Supernatural Eats to jumpstart our night of wellness as we listened in to the guest speakers share their connection to holistic wellness. Then, anyone could sign up to participate in mini-sessions of acupuncture and Thai bodywork in order to try effective treatments for pain or sleeplessness, sometimes even flushing out such mental concerns as depression. And finally, our members were invited to get a B12 vitamin shot courtesy of The Drip Bar in order to fuel their bodies with a boost of vital energy that bypasses the digestive system, nourishing immediately and fully.
Did you miss out on our workshop? All of our members can receive benefits from any of our official providers at any time. To view your Health4Heroes member discounts click here.
Thank you to all of the providers that made this event possible through your generosity and support for our Veterans and First Responders.
To check out the specific services from this workshop, visit our provider websites:
Healthy meal prep deliveries: Organic Catering & Meal Delivery Service | Super-Natural Eats (supernaturaleats.com)
Acupuncture & Thai Bodywork: Natural Fertility Clinic | Fort Collins, CO | Glenn Family Wellness (glennwellness.com)
Vitamin drips and boosters: Health and Vitality at Our IV Drip Clinic | THE DRIPBaR