Hero Nation News - April 2021


Welcome to Hero Nation! This is our first publication of Hero Nation News and we’re pumped to share with you all things Health4Heroes. We know that no one has time to read a lengthy newsletter, so it is our intent to keep this short and relevant while providing links for those who want more information.

  • About this Newsletter
  • The newsletter consists of multiple sections that may vary month to month. However, you can always count on it having the following sections:

  • SITREP - This is our Situation Report: it gives an overview of what we have been up to over the last month, and provides important updates and information about Health4Heroes.

  • Upcoming Events - Get connected with the Health4Heroes community at one of our upcoming events. Follow the links for more detailed information and to register.

  • Exercise Your Mind - An opportunity to engage your brain, further your health & wellness education, and gain useful tools to Take Command of Your Health!

  • Community Bulletin Board - In this section we will share events and information from other great, local organizations. It’s simply about banding together in support of each other's mission and helping to make an impact for our community. If you have information you would like us to share, please email info@health4heroes.org

  • Resources - Here we provide links to resources that may benefit you or someone you know.

Our Mission

Health4Heroes empowers Veterans and First Responders to take command of their health, reduce the impact of service, and increase longevity through Community, Connection, and Education.


Health4Heroes was founded in September of 2020 by Nicholas Dunagan, US Army Veteran, and Mary Scott, MSW, Loss & Trauma Consultant, with a vision of ending Veteran and First Responder suicide.

  • Too many of our brothers and sisters are feeling hopeless and disconnected, ultimately choosing to end their lives early, and that is not the way. We truly believe in the power that holistic wellness and a supportive community can have in improving someone's outlook on life, so we decided it was our duty to serve by providing community and connection to vital health and wellness resources.” - Nick Dunagan, Co-Founder.

    We received our Tax Exemption status in January of 2021 and quickly began to serve the Veteran and First Responder community in February with our first event: a Heart-Healthy Hangout & Hike at the beautiful Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch, co-hosted with our friends at the Heart-J Center for Experiential Learning. Since that time we have hosted a number of events that provide our members and their families with an opportunity to truly Take Command of Their Health!

    As a country, finding more effective ways to support our Veterans, First Responders and their families that encourage greater respect and understanding within our communities is critical. This is especially true for our First Responders, many who face life threat, injury and loss each day but have no viable services to support them that address the whole person. I’m proud that Health4Heroes is working to do just that.” - Mary Scott, Co-Founder

  • Connection - Not only do we create a connection between our members, we are also creating a connection with select local businesses that have stepped up in a big way to be a part of Health4Heroes Service Provider Network in support of our mission. These businesses are providing BIG DISCOUNTS, and have helped us create affordable access to beneficial health & wellness services for our members.

  • Community - We are creating a community to support those that give so much of themselves in service of others. We feel compelled to provide opportunities for our Veterans and First Responders to engage with one another in a way that promotes health and increases longevity.

  • Our education-based programs will include workshops and seminars on various health topics; Wellness Retreats, focused on reducing the impact of service through self-development, coping techniques, life skills, and more; as well as connecting our members with knowledgeable service providers who can support growth in a more individualized capacity.

Education - Knowledge is power! We know that a key component of empowering someone is to provide them with the necessary information to make decisions. In our case, it’s about providing our members with the knowledge they need to Take Command of Their Health!

  • By The Numbers:
  • Current Members - 22
  • Current Programs - 3
  • Current Service Providers - 4
  • We are so excited to launch this mission with you in support of Northern Colorado's Veterans and First Responders.

For More information on what we've been up to


Newest Network Service Providers

We're proud to welcome these outstanding providers to our network!

Health4Heroes Members can now take advantage of these great services at a significant discount. If you would like to learn more about these businesses and their services, click on their picture.


CrossFit DNR

CrossFit Do Not Retreat is the perfect place for everyone looking to investigate the Fort Collins CrossFit craze. Whether you are just starting on your journey to a healthier, happier life or you are a professional athlete. You will be welcomed as part of the DNR family as soon as you walk into the facility.


CycleBar Fort Collins

CycleBar® Fort Collins is more than a ride. It’s a journey of self-discovery. With indoor cycling rides designed for all fitness levels, we promise to empower, inspire, and elevate you throughout every day.


Glenn Family Wellness

  • Exceptional Caring. Exceptional Results.
  • Your Body's Healing Resources Are Stronger Than You Can Imagine.
  • We Help You Awaken Them With 100% Natural Medicine.
  • Our unique blend of holistic medical therapies gets ALL your body's healing resources going in the same direction...


CrossFit Bullies

CrossFit Bullies is the perfect place for beginner CrossFitters and competitive athletes and everyone in between in the Greeley area. From the moment you walk through the doors you’ll be welcomed as part of the Bully family.

Upcoming Events

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Sunrise Nature Walk

  • Tuesdays, 7:30 to 8:30 am
  • Arapahoe Bend Natural Area
  • - Members, Prospective Members, Family, Guests, Well-Behaved Dogs

Quarterly Member's Only Meeting (1).png

Member's Only Meeting

  • Wednesday, April 14th, 5:30 pm
  • VFW Post 1781
  • Members Only, Prospective Members


Heart-Healthy Hangout & Hike

  • Saturday, April 17th, 1:00 to 3:30 pm
  • Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch
  • Members, Prospective Members, Family, Guests


Weekly Run Group

  • Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 pm
  • Health4Heroes HQ, Parking Lot
  • Members, Prospective Members, Family, Guests, Well-Behaved Dogs

Exercise Your Mind

  • Did you know that "eating highly processed foods increase your chance of developing clinical depression by 50-100%"? This month we are featuring Dr. Mark Hyman's podcast, The Doctor's Farmacy. In this episode, you learn about the correlation between diet and depression.

Community Bulletin Board

Healing Warriors Program provides non-narcotic therapy to service members and their families for pain, PTSD and sleep.

Check Out Their Upcoming Fundraiser





All Clear Foundation

A great resource for all First Responders, with a huge database built just for you.